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Carney All Seasons Blog

Heating Guide: HVAC Systems to Consider

Fall is the right time to install a heating system, either as a replacement or for a new home. It comes between the crunch times for HVAC technicians during the summer and winter, and the Pennsylvania weather is pleasant enough that you can get through a few days without a heater to keep you cozy.

But even though you’ve picked the right time for installation, have you thought much about picking the right heating system? You’re probably interested in getting the same system you had previously because you’re familiar with it but it may be time for a change. If you consider some of the systems available today, you may discover a new option that will give you superior heating power and greater energy efficiency.

If you need help selecting the right system for heating your Blue Bell, PA home, call Carney Plumbing Heating & Cooling. We’ve done heating installations since 1976, and we can guide you to the best choice—and install it as well.

Here are a few heating system possibilities:

  • Furnaces: This is one of the most common options for home heating, and you probably grew up with one. Furnaces can use gas, propane, or electricity to power them, but they all distribute heat the same way: forced air through ducts and vents. If you already have ductwork in your home, furnaces are not difficult to install. The newer models also have high AFUE (annual fuel utilization efficiency) ratings, and are much more efficient than older furnace types.
  • Boilers: Boilers send hot water around your home which then radiates heat from baseboards, pipes, or radiators. Boilers provide even and efficient heating, and they operate with little noise. Since they don’t use forced air, they pose no danger to air quality.
  • Heat pumps: This unit combines a heater and an air conditioner into one. A heat pump functions in the same fashion as an air conditioner, moving heat from one place to another. During the winter, the system moves heat from outdoors and puts it indoors; during hot weather, the process reverses. Heat pumps can have trouble with extreme temperature lows, however.

We hope you’ll contact experts to help you make your heating choice. Professionals can also give you invaluable assistance getting the right size of system to effectively warm your home using a heat load calculation. Carney Plumbing Heating & Cooling will take you through all the necessary steps, from picking a heater to installing and maintaining it, so that you get the best from your Blue Bell, PA  heating system for years to come. Contact us today!

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