Carney All Seasons Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Bucks County PA’

The 50% Repair and Replacement Rule for Your Heater

Monday, February 13th, 2023

There are times when it pays to invest in repairs that will extend the life of your heater. But there are other times when a repair expense is so high that it’s time to think about installing a new heater instead.

But how do you know when to choose repair over replacement? There’s a 50% repair or replacement rule that you can follow and usually it’s an accurate way to choose. 

Of course, there are other factors that you want to take into consideration, too. If you think that you need heating repair in Bucks County, PA, our team can help.

We can assess your heating problems and help you decide whether repair or replacement is right for you. In the meantime, you can keep reading to learn more about when it’s time to replace your heating instead of investing in more repairs. 

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Common Misconceptions About Air Conditioning Costs

Monday, April 27th, 2015

With summer on the way, residents of Bucks & Montgomery Counties, PA, are gearing up for heat and humidity. That means keeping your air conditioning unit maintained and ready to go, but it also means keeping an eye on costs. We all want a cool comfortable home in the summer months, but we also want to avoid paying an arm and a leg for it. Sadly, common misconceptions about air conditioning costs can be quite pervasive, and while you may think you’re saving money, the opposite may actually be true. Here’s a brief list of some common myths to be aware of.

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The Benefits of Whole House Generators in Bucks County, PA

Thursday, January 22nd, 2015

We have had our fair share of some very challenging weather over the last few years, and if there’s anything we learned from events like super-storm Sandy, it’s that extended power outages can happen at any time. Extended power outages aren’t just inconvenient; they can damage your whole-home systems and cost you money in lost food and water problems. But having a whole house generator in Bucks County, PA can change all that, and change it with an imperceptible, automatic switch.

How Does a Whole House Generator Work?

Whole house generators are much more powerful, stable and permanent than portable generators. First, a whole house generator is sized to carry the major systems of your home for a long period of time. They are installed outside your home in a highly weather-resistant cabinet and use fuels that are not affected by power outages such as natural gas and propane. Once the generator is properly sized and placed outside, it is connected directly into your home’s electrical panel. Most whole house generators are equipped with sensors that detect any interruption in electrical power to your home, and these generators automatically power your home through the electrical box when such an interruption is detected. When the power returns, the generator will switch back off.

Benefits of a Whole Home Generator

  • Convenience – with a whole house generator, you don’t have to worry about connecting, starting, fueling and monitoring the generator as you do with a portable generator.
  • Whole-home support – a whole house generator is designed to support all the major systems in your home, not just one or two. You can keep living comfortably with a whole house generator even though your grid power may be interrupted.
  • No issues with fueling – a whole house generator uses natural gas or propane to operate, and as such, the generator connects directly to the natural gas line or LP tank on your property; there’s no need to constantly re-fuel as there can be with portable generators.

If you are tired of the effect of unpredictable weather events and power outages, you may want to consider the installation of a whole house generator in your Buck County, PA, home.

Contact Carney Plumbing Heating & Cooling today and schedule an appointment with one of our experts.

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