Carney All Seasons Blog: Archive for August, 2017

Water Heater Problems You Need to Know About

Monday, August 21st, 2017

water-heaterWater heaters are built to last, but they’re not immune to problems. Years of wear and tear from normal use will, sooner or later, cause problems to crop up. Professional preventive maintenance goes a long way towards lowering the chances of problems developing. Still, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the signs that your water heater is in trouble.  The faster you can tell that your water heater is in trouble. The faster you can have it repaired and the better off it will be.

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The Pros and Cons of Different Drain Cleaning Methods

Monday, August 7th, 2017

drain-cleaningThere are two things that you need to know about drain cleaning. The first thing is that it’s necessary to keep your drain and sewer system in good condition. You should be scheduling cleaning for your drain and sewer system at least once every year. This prevents clogs from forming, removes any blockages that might already be present in the system, and generally keeps things flowing smoothly.

The second thing that you need to know about drain cleaning is that you should always have a professional handle it for you. Store bought drain cleaners are effective, but the reason they are is because they use lots of corrosive chemicals. Aside from being potentially dangerous to handle, these chemicals corrode the very pipes that they’re supposed to be helping, causing them to require replacement potentially years sooner than they otherwise would have.

Professional plumbers use non-corrosive methods for drain cleaning, which is why it’s a good idea to trust them to take care of yours. If you’re curious about the specific techniques used for professional drain cleaning, take a look below.

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